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Join us and embark on a musical journey that'll enrich your life and bring joy to those around you!
30 分鐘
240澳门元 - 閱讀更多
Nurture your musical talent with our 45-min lesson, perfect for beginner and intermediate learner.
45 分鐘
350澳门元 起 - 閱讀更多
Unleash your musical potential with longer piano lesson, tailored for adult & advanced young learner
1 小時
370澳门元 起 1 小時
250澳门元1 小時
460澳门元- 閱讀更多
With our piano accompaniment, you can be confident that your show will be elevated to new heights!
1 小時
$600 - $1800
Lv 1-2 Piano Course
330MOP每 1 週Book your regular lesson on a weekly basis!- 一對一鋼琴課程 One-on-one Piano Lesson
Lv 5-6 Piano Course
460MOP每 1 週Book your regular lesson on a weekly basis!- 一對一鋼琴課程 One-on-one Piano Lesson
Lv 7-8 Piano Course
650MOP每 1 週Book your regular lesson on a weekly basis!- 成人及高階鋼琴課程 Piano Lesson for Adult
新生優惠課程 12+1 Beginner Pack (1 hour)
4,400MOP購買12堂免費送1堂! Purchase 12 private beginner piano lessons and get 1 free !有效期 4 個月- One-on-one Piano Lesson
英皇視唱練耳課程 12 ABRSM Aural Sessions
2,760MOP在3個月內優化您的聽力和視奏技巧,讓您在考試取得高分! Optimise your aural & sight-reading skills in 3 months!有效期 6 個月- Aural & Sight-reading Training Course
集體班 Duo/Trio Aural Class
160MOP每 1 週人多更有趣,課程更抵!More people, more fun and lower price!- Aural & Sight-reading Training Lesson
陪練琴 Practice Partner (45min)
200MOP每 1 週和導師一起練習,鋼琴學得更快更好!Learn piano faster and better by practicing with your tutor!- 成人及高階鋼琴課程 Piano Lesson for Adult
- 幼兒鋼琴課程 Piano Lesson for Children
- 一對一鋼琴課程 One-on-one Piano Lesson (45min)
鋼琴歌曲速成課程(4堂) 4 TM Song Sessions
1,800MOP在一個月內學會演奏你的鋼琴愛歌!Learn to play your love song within a month!有效期 3 個月- Tailor-made Piano Song Lesson
合奏彩排練習 Rehearsal Pack
1,400MOP為即將到來的考試或演出計劃排練! Planning your rehearsal for your coming exam or show!有效期 3 個月- Piano Accompaniment
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